
  • Positive attributes and Strengths
  • What makes a good friend?
  • Understanding and managing conflict
  • Building Empathy
  • Ways to be a Friend
  • Reflecting on Friendships
  • Respect ourselves and others
  • Gratitude


  • Topical issues, problems and events
  • Rules and laws: why different rules are needed in different situations
  • Consequences of anti-social and aggressive behaviours, such as bullying and racism, on individuals and communities
  • Different kinds of responsibilities, rights and duties at home, at school and in the community
  • Reflect on spiritual, moral, social, and cultural issues

Healthy Living

  • Healthy lifestyle, including the benefits of exercise and healthy eating
  • Bacteria and viruses can affect health and that following simple, safe routines can reduce their spread
  • Risks in different situations: including sensible road use, and judging what kind of physical contact is acceptable or unacceptable
  • How to ask for help and use basic techniques for resisting pressure to do wrong
  • School rules about health and safety, basic emergency aid procedures and where to get help.