High School Leadership Team
Mr Charles Bretherton (BA, PGCE, NPQH)
School Principal, Headteacher (High School)
History and PE Teacher
Mr Paul Hughes (BSc, MA, PGCE)
High School Academic Lead
Computing & ICT Lead Teacher and Mathematics Teacher
Mr Scott Fairlie (Dip.Ed, DSL)
High School Pastoral Lead
Geography & Business Studies Teacher
Ms Rebecca Roberts (BA, PGCE)
High School SEN Lead
English Teacher
Mrs Hannah Grant (BA, MA,NPDE, MSC Education)
CPD Lead
History & Business Studies Teacher
High School Teaching Staff
Mr Charlie Bretherton (BA, PGCE, NPQH)
History & PE
Mr Paul Hughes (BSc, MA, PGCE)
Maths, ICT & Computer Science Teacher
Mrs Naina Nain (BPharm, BAEd)
Mathematics and Science (Physics) Teacher
Ms Ruth Kamwana (BAEd)
French & Learning Support Teacher
Mr Gavin Roberts (BSc, PGCE)
PE & Co-Curricular Coordinator
Ms Nicole George (BSc, PGCE)
Maths & Science (Biology)
Mrs Jayne Chikwana (BAEd in Special Needs & Social Work, Dip SNSW )
Learning Support
Mrs Natasha Saunders (DipEd, DipDys, Dip Food & Nutrition)
Food & Nutrition and PSHE Teacher
Ms Clara Ndyani (BA, MA, PGDipE)
English and Literature Teacher
Mr Jack Taylor (BA, PGCE)
Art & DT
Mr Mtheto Hara (BEd)
Mathematics and Science (Chemistry) Teacher
Mr Hannah Grant (BA, MA, PGCE, MSc Education)
History and Business Studies Teacher
Mr Lazarus Nkhukuzalira (BSc Sports Science)
PE/ Swimming
Mr Aubrey Theu (BAEd)
Humanities/ Learning Support
Mrs Zakia Thornicroft (NVQ5, ECA Cert., SEN L1,2,3, Sign Language Interpretation Cert.)
EAL/ Learning Support
Mr Mitchel Thornicroft (Cert. Professional Marketing, Football Coaching)
PE/ Swimming