The school follows the National Curriculum for England at Key Stage 3 and the world-renowned Cambridge IGCSE programmes at Key Stage 4.
We use high quality and up-to-date commercial courses and teaching materials from the UK to ensure progression and continuity. Care is given to ensure each child is given work appropriate to their ability so that children of all abilities are both challenged and supported.
Malawi’s climate and the expansive school grounds offer ample opportunity for PE lessons and all children receive at least one hour of PE each week, which include swimming in the warmer months and skill-based activities throughout the year. A further two to four hours of sports are offered in our afternoon programme.
The school day
The school day begins at 7:00 am and finishes at 1:00 pm on a Monday to Thursday, and at 12:00 pm on a Friday.
There are short breaks at 9:25 am – 9:45 am (during which time snacks can be purchased from a tuck shop) and 11:45 am – 12:00 pm. Students who are staying for afternoon activities can bring a packed lunch to school, or make use of the pre-order lunch service.
Students are collected from the school car-park either when school finishes at 1:00 pm or at the end of their afternoon activity at 2:40 pm. Students bring their PE kit to school on days that they have PE lessons or a sporting activity. Homework is set each day and the Homework Policy can be seen on our website. Each student has a Homework Diary, to be signed by parents. Parents can also use the diary to communicate with their child’s homeroom teacher.