Children at Hillview wear a school uniform from Reception upwards.
Primary School Uniform Requirements
Boys should wear grey shorts/trousers and a light blue shirt. Girls should wear grey skirts and a light blue shirt and if they would like to wear trousers in the Winter months they are welcome to do so. All students should wear black school shoes. Boys should wear grey socks and girls should wear white socks.
In Winter, boys may wear long grey trousers, a light blue shirt and a blue school pullover. Girls may wear navy blue or white tights and a blue school cardigan or jumper, in addition to grey skirts/trousers and a light blue shirt.
For sports in winter all children may wear navy blue tracksuit trousers. These may be worn with a red sports shirt and blue school cardigan/pullover and either black school shoes, or sports shoes on sports days. Children may also wear a white vest under their uniform, to help them keep warm.
Girls and boys should tie back long hair so that it is off their shoulders and the school does not encourage jewellery. Children with pierced ears should wear studs rather than rings, for safety’s sake.
Sports uniform should be red t-shirts and white shorts for Reception to Year 6. Coloured ‘house’ t-shirts can be worn for Inter-House sports events but are not compulsory. For swimming lessons and squads, swimming costumes should be red and all students should wear swimming caps.