Take a look at our Primary French subject curriculum:
- Greetings
- Colours
- Numbers
- Instructions
- Pets
- Christmas
Year 1
- Revision of colours and numbers
- Pets and farm animals
- Family
- Christmas
Year 2
- Name
- Age
- Numbers to 20
- Clothing
- Christmas
Year 3
Greetings and name
- Say hello and goodbye.
- What you are called and take part in a French poem.
- Say what you are called.
- Ask others what they are called and identify a question word in French.
- Use some French greetings.
- As how someone is.
- Say how you are and take part in a French rap.
Numbers 0 to 12
- Count up to 12 in French.
- Sing a counting song.
- Recognise some family words.
- Introduce your own family.
- Read phrases describing family.
- Say your age and ask others how old they are.
Year 4
On the way to school
- Say how children get to school.
- Take part in a survey and ask and answer questions about how they get to school.
Where in the world is French spoken
- To learn where French is spoken.
- Work as a team to complete a map of the French speaking countries of the world.
- Put together short sentences of ways of travelling to different countries.
Year 5
- Say and sing the French Alphabet
- Spell a word
- Spell out a name in French
Places in the locality
- Use letters and numbers to give coordinates
- Use multiples of 10 up to 60
- Recognise and say some places in the locality
Journey to school
- Follow simple directions
- Read and understand a short description of a journey
- Build sentences and phrases of making a journey to school
- Understand and give simple directions
Year 6
- À quelle heure? (What is the time?)
- Bonjour! (Hello!)
- Quel age as-tu? (How old are you?)
- Joyeux anniversaire! (Happy birthday!)
- Dans mon sac… (In my bag…)